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Microtomes & Accessories

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SPA06416 Leica CM 1900

Cryostat 0C to -35C programmable features with manual feed wheel operation manual

SPA06678 Leica RM 2255

Rotary microtome fully automatic motorized with external controller advanced features 0.5 - 100 um thickness universal knife holder


 leica_rm2255_ifu_2v3j_en.pdf  leica_rm2255_technical_data_en.pdf
SPA05527 Leica SM2000R

Sledge microtome with enclosed feeding system sledge brake thickness 0.5 - 60 um

SPA06365 Microm HM325

Rotary microtome 1 - 60 um thickness manual hand wheel sectioning with disposable knife holder

SPA06398 Thermo Scientific Shandon Cryotome

Cryostat with temperature control to -30C defrost fumigation features programmable controls

SPA05955 Vibratome Series 1000
Vibrating tissue sectioning microtome designed for unfrozen non embedded soft tissue
SPA06414 Vibratome Series 3000Plus

Vibrating tissue sectioning microtome with semi-automatic and manual stage movements digital display

SPA01235 Leica

CO2 freezing stage type bench mounted

SPA04804 Reichert Jung 2030

Rotary Microtome with disposable knife holder

SPA04806 Anglia Scientific
Rotary microtome with solid knife
SPA05409 Reichert Jung SuperCut 2050

Rotary microtome motorized programmable for soft to hard material

Showing 11 of 11